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Should I Dress my Age?

The short answer to this question is NO.

I’m turning 45 next week and I love all things bright, tight, sparkly, cool, sporty, chic, EXTRA! You may have gathered from this description that I have no particular “style” I simply dress for my vibe and those that know me, know that my vibe is sometimes-always UP!

How we dress is essentially our physical calling card to the world. Opinions are formed about our status, interests and lifestyle as soon as we walk into a room. People will either be drawn to us, intrigued, maybe repelled or worse case scenario - not even see us… I definitely slipped into the latter scenario during my mid thirties.

Babies and responsibilities completely zapped my energy to put an outfit together, I literally lost all sense of style. Black and baggy became my go-to look and I lavished all my fashion “lewks” onto my kids (who of course couldn’t have cared less!). Am I alone in this?… My un-qualified, psychoanalysis is that; as my body changed with each baby, I recognised myself less and less. As a result I didn’t feel I had the time to learn my new body or mind for that matter. Therefore I had no idea what looked good on me any more.

I’m pretty sure I’m not alone with this and it’s an issue that women the world over face. After battling through the fog and reminding myself that even though my body no longer resembles my 20yr old body - I Still Go It! I’m a firm believer that it’s not WHAT you wear, It’s HOW you wear it. Here are my top tips for wearing what you want over 40:

- Own it. You deserve to enjoy clothes and how they make you feel, so if the mini skirt brings you joy and makes you feel like a Bad B - Own it!

-Trust your energy. If you’re feeling casual, dress casual, if you’re feeling glam, glam it up! There’s no right or wrong, if your vibe matches your style - you’ll shine regardless.

- Get comfortable accepting compliments. Why do we struggle with this? If you look good sis, pull your shoulders back, lift your chin and take ALL the compliments!

- Accessorise with a SMILE. There is nothing sexier or more beautiful and the good thing is you can wear it everyday!

I went to gathering last night and aside from the beautiful energy in the room, the LOOKS!…. I had to stop myself from taking out a pen and pad to note where they’d bought their bits lol! Every style unique, each one a wonderful introduction to their true selves… and guess what? Each one was over 40 - BOOM!

You have earned the right to dress how you want, when you want. So don’t wait for that party or premiere, wear you “good” clothes to Tesco if you fancy it. The more you dress like you, the more you’ll feel like you and the more you feel like you, the more you’ll know what feels good on you! Get it?

Sending love to you all,

You Still Got It

Sherine x

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