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Pick up your Dreams

A few quick questions (indulge me):

1. What did you want to be when you were a child?

2. What do you do now?

3. What was your favourite passion/hobby when you were younger?

4. What is your passion now?

5. Would your child self recognise you, going by what you put your energy into now?

This post is not intended to depress or upset you - if you feel a way about your answers to the questions above…. let’s get inspired!

Women are the Queens of multi-tasking, there’s no doubt that we get s*$% done! Sometimes so well that we become like those circus acts and people just keep throwing stuff at us cos they think we can handle it… 9 times out of 10 - we WILL handle it and not drop any balls, but where is OUR stuff within all of this? Where are the precious “balls” that we may have picked up as a child and vowed to throw high into the sky?

We all need that feeling - Dopamine. It’s your achievement hormone, it feels so good and we thrived off it as a child. I think we forget how important that hit can be as we get older and how much it inspires and motivates us to keep achieving. I get it, for years whilst immersed in the Mum-Fog, the only feeling I would feel was relief that I “held it all together” for another day (and of course exhaustion)! That feeling of relief slowly began to replace the feeling of achievement, or maybe I convinced myself that, that WAS the achievement… Our lives deserve to be so much more than that.

Trace back to your inner child - the excitement you felt about achieving even the smallest of tasks or goals kept us bubbling with energy. It’s a driving force that makes kids want “5 more mins..” Whether it’s to shoot another goal or pop another cartwheel, there’s no doubt that when that dopamine is released, the feelings of excitement and reward are huge motivators to repeat specific behaviours.

But you already know all of this… So Girl, I’m asking you -

What are you going to DO???

The fact that you are reading this blog today, is your sign to take back a hold of your dreams, your passions, your goals, however big or small. Just start!

30mins a day of intentional steps towards something that will bring you joy will be transformative, trust me.

Write it down, read it daily, encourage yourself, tell a friend, whatever helps but please take yourself seriously and recognise that you need this to fully function as you. It might mean putting down a couple of the other “balls” you’re currently juggling. That may piss a few people off who are benefitting from you, but if they love you and are for you, they’ll be the first ones (after yourself) to truly benefit from the new, dopamine-fuelled You!

My first suggestion is always Dance. There’s something about moving your body and music that just cleanses the soul, lifts your confidence and sets you up to face the day. If you’re not sure where to start, start by purchasing a dance workout. Come and join me and let’s smash those goals together! Whatever you choose to do - I'm rooting for you!

You Still Got It

Sherine x

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