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My Weight Issues over 40!

Updated: Apr 19, 2023

I struggle with my weight. Not in a massive, uncontrollable way, but it does not stay on my preferred side of 10 stone unless I put in consistent and committed work - I struggle with this fact.

In my mind I’m just a petite, naturally curvy, big hips, toned legs, small waisted Fly-Girl and can throw on a pair of jeans when I choose to. The reality when I look in the mirror is very different… My legs cannot always fit into a pair of skinny jeans and they certainly won’t do up should I have managed to squeeze them past my thighs!

I could sit here and list all the flaws with my body (and I actually did… then deleted it), but I don’t see who or why it would serve anyone. Instead I want to talk about the way my metabolism has gone rogue since hitting my mid-forties, (it’s actually wild!) and embracing me regardless of what the scales say!

Entering this new phase of life, I’ve had to make peace with the fact that I can no longer do a few sit-ups and cut out the snacks to fit into a dress for an event. I have in fact felt like Buddy Love transitioning to Sherman Clump from the film “Nutty Professor” on many occasions and wondered what the hell my body was actually doing!

The truth is, it’s shifting and changing along with our hormones and we’d be a very cruel “guest” in this house we call a body to force it to operate and respond the same way it did in our 20’s. The same way our minds have grown, expanded and evolved from 20 years ago. We wouldn’t force someone to react the same way they used to or, be in situations they recognise are toxic to their mental well being - our physical bodies are screaming the same thing!

I can’t eat Maccy-D’s like I used to and expect it not to affect my weight and energy. I NEED to sleep at a decent time so I have the energy necessary to be effective for the day ahead. Smashing a 45min cardio set every other day is not a realistic workout plan for me anymore…. But I did it all for a good couple of years and grew increasingly frustrated and depressed when my body didn’t respond the way I desired it to.

It took a conscious decision to decide I was worth it and re-LEARN what worked for me, implement it and work with my new body, not frustrate myself by continuing to do what didn’t work anymore. Like all things worth doing, it takes time. Something we can convince ourselves we don’t have.. but if you don’t have time for YOU, what do you have time for Sis?…

I’ll be real, it’s easy to slip back into old habits and even as I type this, I’ve only just come out of a lazy slump and then of course Easter… The difference between now and before I re-learned my body is - I know what works, I’m not frustrated or mad at my body and I know what to do to make me feel good which in turn leads to looking good!

So now it’s your turn! Start with a no-brainer - Buy x1 YSGI Dance workout. See if you love it (you will love it), then sign up to weekly workouts and access to all the previous ones. I promise you’ll enjoy it so much, you’ll be lifted mentally and with a bit of consistency your body will physically change too! Just press the button...

Shake it up Sis, your body deserves your time and attention and your mind deserves to be at peace with the reflection in the mirror.

You are Beautiful and You Still Got It!

Sherine x

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