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How to truly LOVE yourself

Bloody Valentines Day! Lets talk about your first one true love - YOU.

If that sounds odd, I totally get it... We are taught from a very young age to equate self-love to vanity and to be vain is negative, almost like it takes away from others. That's mad to me... People say "Oh she loves herself" as a put down, but I would say to that - "Yes I do, I really do!"

The world is a very visual place at the moment so we’re constantly being fed images of what is beautiful, lovable, aspirational. If we feel we don’t line up with the images that are the loudest or the brightest, it can be tempting to try and shift or contort ourselves to fit that “loveable” mould.

Self-love is a really loud buzz word and has been for some time, but what does it actually mean?… Is it really just getting your hair and nails done? We tend to be intentional in the obvious ways of caring for ourselves, we clean our bodies, we sleep/rest, we clothe it, but this is minimal love. The biggest, most powerful part of you is your mind - are you loving yourself mentally Sis?…

Mine was neglected for many years. I didn't want to look at myself physically or mentally -because I had neglected myself for so long, I didn't like or recognise what was there. I didn't feel loveable, I certainly didn't think I looked lovable and so there I stayed, alone in the "Fog" until life forced me to fight my way out.

There's a song that's trending at the moment on IG (I've used it on my latest reel) the lyrics are actual FACTS;

"You don't know what Love is. If you don't put up a fight", "You don't know what Love is. If you don't stay up all night crying"

I had to do this - FOR MYSELF. Not for a boyfriend, partner or husband who could still leave after anyway, but for myself. The person that I will live with for the rest of my existence on this earth. Surely that's the person you truly need to love. YOU!

- Do you take time to truly celebrate the awesome things you are/do that come naturally to you?

- Do you give yourself time to work on breaking habits or behaviours that may be hurting you?

- Do you find time (minimum once a week) to do something you love?

- Do you prioritise healing aches and pains in your body or do you push through?

- Do you communicate your feelings and allow yourself to be vulnerable to someone who wants to listen?

- Do you make time to dance like no-one is watching?

How did you do?…. There are obviously more (feel free to share) but these are some steps that were instrumental in helping me to really, truly love the woman that I am today - flaws and all! They allowed me to build a real relationship with myself and because I had purposed to be kind and love myself, I started to trust myself. So when I told myself I could do something that was hard, or I told myself I looked hot - I believed myself and my confidence (in myself) grew! Sounds mad doesn’t it? But I guarantee you, you’re worth it. Start with 1 or 2 steps each week and work your way through. Before you know it, the love will be radiating through you and will attract more love - who doesn’t need more Love!

You Still Got It.

Sherine x

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