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How to Deal with Failure

Ever had one of those days when you receive the OPPOSITE news to the one you’ve been waiting/ hoping/ praying for?…. It sucks like nothing else! All the energy seeps out of you like a deflated balloon the day after a kids birthday party.

Some friends recently shared how they felt and dealt with failure and our answers were all pretty similar. I usually jump straight into “You’ll see!” mode and get super busy working on something else to -

A. Deflect from feelings of shame and rejection that may try to creep in

B. Focus negative energy into something positive

Why do I feel shame and rejection? Cos I can be quite open (loud) and bold with my goals, I have (at times) blinkered self belief and my manifestation technique can sometimes be on steroids lol! I’m working on this. Obviously this is not the best practice and I can end up feeling embarrassed when things don’t pan out the way I might have “declared”. This feeling is not limited to when I’ve vocalised my dreams though. Even when it’s just between me and the Universe, that feeling of shame can be present -

“Who are you to have dreams so big?” “Of course its didn’t work out” “Do you really think you’re ready to handle all that?”

Anyone recognise those voices? I’ve learnt not to give them too much time and shut them up real quick. We imagine that people know and are talking about us, when the truth is NO ONE CARES! Everyone is on their own journey and is facing their own successes and failures, there are of course those that will support and encourage you along the way, but I certainly don’t have the extra energy to be worrying about what another chick has “failed” at!

I put Failed in inverted commas because - What is failure? It has such a negative connotation, but for me it’s actually a mythical space that doesn’t exist. I know what it’s not, it’s not the end. It’s simply an unexpected turn onto a slip road, which takes us on a different route to the one we thought we were taking to get to where we’re going! Phew! How do you look at it? I actually get excited when something doesn’t work out, I start looking out for the “slip road” cos one thing I know is, in the end I win!

This confidence in failure was only birthed out of the worst failure of my life - my marriage crash. It was definitely not part of the plan, vision or goal in my life but once I accepted it and decided it was not going to be a defining negative cloud over my life my energy changed. As a result, the energy around me changed and I was open to receive the positivity that is all around and ever present! Sometimes we just have to look up and see it.

You Still Got It was definitely birthed out of my “You’ll see” mode, but it continues because I took my negative energy and focussed it on something positive - you lovely lot!

“Failure is success in progress” - Albert Einstein

Sherine x

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