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Feel the Fear and do it anyway!

“Don’t give up”, “You can do it”, “Do your best”

These are all things I tell my kids - DAILY! Cos lets be real, we are actually taking a second stab at achieving more in life and this is measured by the successes of our kids… (Or is it just me?)

I want them to be bold, happy, smart, talented humans, that radiate confidence and draw people to want to be around them. I don’t mind admitting that their dad and I are quite strategic in how we encourage this and a lot of it is in the words we speak to them. ALL my kids respond to praise (no brainer). One is über competitive, one loves an audience, one needs continual encouragement and one just wants to hear you say “WOW!” I’ve learnt what motivates each one over the years and adjust my way accordingly for them.

But what about Me?… Are we just supposed to lay down our dreams and cap our goals once we become a mum? Have we had our time? I don’t need to tell you that the answer is “Hell Nah!”

I learnt in the last couple of years that I can still learn new things, I can still achieve goals and I CAN do hard things! I truly believe that “achieving” is another type of endorphin - it just feels so good. To set out to do something and then actually see it through and overcome all the bumps and scrapes along the way - there’s no better feeling (well maybe one….)

It gives you a different type of confidence to face new challenges and a consistent reminder that it’s not over for you. Life CAN begin at 40, 50, etc and learning new things and growing as a person only makes you a more interesting and attractive human!

Test it out with small things to begin with then challenge yourself with real impactful changes;

-Fix, repair or do that DIY job you’ve been putting off because you couldn’t think of who to ask. You do it!

-Learn a new recipe and master it. I recently made chips from scratch which was so easy but I’d convinced myself I couldn’t do it well - they were BOMB!

-Read that book… and finish it

-Set a workout target and actually reach it! Then you can treat yourself to some guilt-free retail therapy!

-Learn a new language

-Take a course

-Go on a date

There are so many ways we can feel like we’re growing, learning, living…. The easier way is to count yourself out and in doing so, allow others to do the same, but you’re worth more than that Sis.

Be your own biggest cheerleader or get in touch and allow me to cheer you on!

“Don’t give up”, “You can do it”, “Do your best”, “Feel the fear and do it anyway!”

You Still Got It

Sherine x

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