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Updated: Apr 19, 2023

Many years ago I was a professional dancer, my time was bang in the middle of the Pop era and boy did we have a time! Top of the Pops, CD-UK, Pop World, Party in the Park, T4 on the Beach - if you remember more than x2 of these shows you’re showing your age!

I was lucky enough to travel the world and share the stage with some really cool artists; Kylie, Sean Paul, Black-Eyed Peas, Sugababes, Beyonce, Snoop Dogg, Craig David, Jamelia the list goes on… There weren’t loads of black girls dancing professionally back then, so I knew how fortunate I was to be working regularly and I absolutely LOVED it. I was fit, my body was trim, and the lifestyle was fun, glamorous and exciting.

Fast forward a few years from then and I got married and decided to hang up my hot pants - with hindsight I wish I’d carried on a little more, it was too early and I still had some “glitter” left in me. I was too intent on becoming what I felt was expected of me as a wife so I stopped…. Definitely regret that.

The babies came thick and fast (lol!) x4 to be exact. With each one I got a bit more lost in the mum-fog and the things I loved to do got pushed to the back burner. I lost all confidence and no longer felt I had the ability or desire to dance. Add to that the fact that I was putting on weight which I had neither the energy or time to lose and I (Sherine) was gone. This messed with my mental state more than I’ve ever dared to admit, I felt embarrassed, self-conscious and devoid of any purpose except being a mum.

Fast forward post “marriage crash” and I RAN, arms flailing and screaming back to my safe place, my joy and my passion - DANCE. I no longer cared about looking like the “best”, or feeling old and out of touch, I just knew how dance made me FEEL and boy did I need that feeling…. I launched the first You Still Got It dance workout classes and the response was great - women all shapes, sizes and abilities coming together to just dance it out for 1hour. Sod the kids and the dinner, we're here for the endorphins!

That’s the beauty of dance, each persons style and way of moving their body is unique and although you can of course learn choreography or copy someones style, there’s nothing quite like the freedom you feel when you allow your body to just connect with the music naturally. It’s wonderful to watch, young, old on beat or off beat, people dancing just brings JOY!

Please try it. You might feel silly at first, but by the end you’ll feel great. Join me on IG most weekends with #90second90sdance where I teach a quick and easy routine in 90seconds to one banging 90’s tune!

(My current You Still Got It playlist)

Or build up your confidence and awaken what’s already in you - join me on the You Still Got It dance workout tutorials - Press the button and start now!

You Still Got It

Sherine x

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