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Am I Still Sexy?...

How’s your sex appeal these days? Does it still exist? Mine was dead, buried and in the grave for years! After having my last baby aged 40 I just didn’t know how to operate from that place anymore and convinced myself it was cool, but I felt invisible…

Ladies, this might go completely against the feminist code (or whatever) but I believe your sexual energy is the most powerful source of energy you have! I think we’re all grown enough to realise that sex appeal is not confined to just the physical aspect of it, but it is in fact the most potent and magnetic force that can cause us humans to make all manner of crazy decisions! But when harnessed and focussed, it is an unstoppable power that can draw immense benefit to the user and open doors and minds that may otherwise stay shut.

If we can be real for a moment, you KNOW that on the occasion someone in a position to help you has found you attractive - you have received better treatment. Without a shadow, whether it’s extra chips, a better seat, money off or a business deal, your sex appeal is wanting and waiting to work for you! Trust me, I’ve been on both sides and I know where the fun, opportunity and admiration resides!

I’m not for one minute suggesting you start throwing yourself at people, fluttering your eyelashes and speaking like Marilyn Monroe, Im just saying - don’t block it. Allow your vibe to flow freely in every situation and it will turn up the necessary aspects as needed.

How do I unlock it?

1. Stop people-pleasing. It’s impossible to be everyone’s cup of tea, so stop trying. There’s nothing more off-putting, than the whiff of desperation that accompanies someone who wants to be liked. You’re not for everyone and that ok!

2. Work on yourself physically. It’s no secret that when we look good, we feel good so make it a priority! Subscribe to the You Still Got It tutorials, choose one beauty treatment and get it done religiously (hair, nails, lashes etc), grab a friend for an afternoon of brutal honesty about which clothes suit you and which styles you need to leave alone!

3. Be brave enough to be vulnerable. (Obviously with people you trust) There’s something very sexy about a person who is comfortable enough with them selves to admit, or talk about where they may struggle.

4. SMILE! Simple, easy and free. Humans crave connection and a simple smile can really open someone up, spark joy and make them feel worthy. I’m also certain your whole face looks far more attractive when you do lol!

5. Give compliments. The cheekier and more spontaneous the better! Lets normalise saying the good things that come into our heads, sometimes we overthink and talk ourselves out of stuff that would have bought such good vibes… Just say it!

These are just a few steps that I took that that helped resurrect my “sexiness” the response and flow of good energy I got/get back is undeniable - Try it and let me know the results!

You Still Got It

Sherine x

"Does my sexiness upset you? Does it come as a surprise That I dance like I've got diamonds At the meeting of my thighs?" ~ Maya Angelou

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